Obeying the Situation

Weather conditions usually dictate our daily wardrobe choices. If it is hot, we usually wear clothes that are light and airy. When it is rainy, raincoats and umbrellas accessorize one’s outfit. If it is cold, jackets, sweaters, boots, etc. usually appear. The weather condition demands a response.

As Christians, we have to learn to respond to the different “weather” conditions of our Christian walk. Abraham lied to Pharaoh, caused Sarah to be taken, brought plagues upon Pharaoh, and now, Pharaoh wanted him out of Egypt.

And Pharaoh commanded his men concerning him: and they sent him away, and his wife, and all that he had. Gen 12:20 (KJV)

Abraham had to obey Pharaoh’s request to depart. Think about situations in your life that demand a response. You have to be willing to depart from relationships that are unfruitful; give up habits that are self-destructive; and pursue Christ when you recognize spiritual decline.

You have to obey the situations that confront you. Though situations arise where we do not know what to do, oftentimes, what we need to do is right before us if we pay attention.

Prayer of the Week:

 “I come before you on today Lord asking for grace to do what I know to do is right. Help me to have the proper response to the situations that are in my life. I thank you now. Amen.”

God will Fight for You

Growing up, my older brother would always fight for me. If anyone ever troubled me or threatened me, he would step in to defend me. He would do it without question. He did not ask about what happened or how did the situation arise. If he was there and saw trouble, he got involved.

Abraham was in Egypt and allowed Pharaoh to take his wife because of his fears. Since God’s promise was upon Abraham and Sarah, we see His intervention  in a situation caused by Abraham and Sarah’s bad decision.

And the Lord plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai               Abram's wife. Gen 12:17 (KJV)

         Abraham was clearly wrong, but God intervened on his behalf. He protected Abraham from the consequences of his actions. He also protected Sarah from being violated by Pharaoh. Some are facing situations that they, in effect, have caused themselves.

Do not lose faith and hope that God will be there for you. Just know that He is gracious and longsuffering and gets joy in showing mercy. God will fight for you.

Prayer of the Week:

“I trust you on this day Lord that you will intervene on my behalf. I stand in faith on your love and grace. Thank you for all things. Amen.”