Seeing Others as God’s Does

In life, we will encounter many people with varying personalities and dispositions. It is a fact that there will be disagreements, fallouts, and times of miscommunication. These things can cause an individual not to have the proper perspective of others in daily interactions. It can be difficult to see others, especially as God sees them, when we have seen unfavorable aspects of their personalities and lifestyles.

And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. Gen 17:15 (KJV)

Abraham receives a name change, but God goes further and changes the name of his wife. Abraham had to see his wife, no longer as a barren woman (Sarai), but as a fruitful woman from whom kings and nations would come (Sarah).

Once we come to Christ, our perception of men has to change. We have to see others as God does.  He is not willing that any should perish. The very worst of sinners are candidates for His grace and redemption. When we see others as God does, it will restrain us from allowing what we see and know about them to change our love for them. This holds especially true concerning other members of the Body of Christ.

Though some Christians may be like Sarai, being barren in their walks with Christ, we must see them as candidates for being Sarah, members who will eventually be of great service to the Church and Kingdom of God. This will keep us from unforgiveness, bitterness, and judgment.

Prayer of the Week:

“Lord, help me to get over what I know about others. Help me to get past what has offended me to see them as you do. I thank you for it. Amen.”


Cutting Away

Jesus’ teachings challenged the very sensibilities of His listeners. On one occasion, He tells them that if a part of their body offended them, they were to cut it off. Though symbolic in nature, the sentiment is evident; the Christian should be willing to get rid of anything that would hinder their walk with Christ. Abraham faced a similar challenge.

God established His promises and covenants with him; however, to show his agreement and submission to what God had promised,  he  had  to  circumcise  himself  and his household.

And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you. Gen 17:11  (KJV)

It can be difficult to get rid of things in our  lives that are dear and personal. Abraham had to experience physical pain in demonstration of his faithfulness to God. In addition, the males that were under his care would suffer the same pain. Likewise, when the Christian decides to cut away people, places, and things from his or her life, it may cause pain. Yet, the Christian must know that it will be worth it, in this life and in the life to come.

            Today, what people, places, and things are in your life that need to be cut away so that you can be fruitful in your walk with Christ? Are you willing to face the pains of self-denial and separation from others?

Just know that God will give grace, peace, and strength to those who will sacrifice themselves for Him. Make a decision today that you will cut away those things that will prevent you from progressing in Christ.

Prayer of the Week:
“Lord, I need your help to cut away things that will frustrate my walk with you. I thank you for the grace, peace, and strength to do it. Amen”