And Abraham said unto God, O that Ishmael might live before thee! Gen 17:18 (KJV)
Abraham loved Ishmael, but God’s covenant would be with Isaac. Abraham pleaded with God for Ishmael. On today, what people are in your life that you know that they will not be able to be with you always? Are you willing to let them go {not because you hate them or any problem exists} for the sake of continual growth and success in Christ?
They may be longtime friends and family members. It does not mean that there is no communication and fellowship, but their influence in your life has to be limited that God may bring to you all that He has for you. This may be a difficult task, but in the end, everyone will prosper. Later on, in this story, we discover that God blessed Ishmael, though he had to leave his father.
Prayer of the Week:
“I know that I can trust you God, you know
what is best for me and who is good for me. Help me to do what is necessary to
please you. Amen.”