The Holiness of God

We live in a world that consistently tells us to act, think, and feel any way we want to. The world says be yourself, live for yourself, and do not let anyone tell you otherwise. However, those that will become followers of God by Christ know that this mindset cannot be the dominating force in one’s life.  Many individuals claim that message of Jesus Christ was love and that we should not focus on one’s activities but one’s beliefs. These things are partially true.

Jesus did come to demonstrate to us the love of God; however, He came to save men from sin. This shows us that there are certain things that God considers immoral or wrong; that is, sin. Jesus came to save us from sins that we will no longer live in sin, regardless of the nature of it. We cannot forget the holiness of God because of the love and mercy He provides to us.

Above it stood the seraphims: each one hadsix wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. 3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. Isaiah 6:2-3 (KJV)

In heaven, the angels that are before the throne of God consistently declare His holiness.  And if God is holy, His desire for us is to be like Him. Reflecting God’s holiness does not rob us of fun or freedom in this life, but it does mean that whatever we do should not be an offense to God.

Remember His holiness. As His children, we can reflect His holiness because of the grace, peace, and strength that He provides through the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer of the Week:

“I know God that you are holy. It is because of your holiness that I can trust your will for my life. I thank you that you will always remain the same. Amen.”

God Understands

           David proclaimed that God was great, and His ways were past finding out. There are many dimensions to His eternal nature and character, which sometimes frustrate men in their pursuit and perception of Him. Though God is love and has great mercy, He also requires man to live according to His standards. But, when someone fails in their pursuit of Him, God does not cast us aside, if we will come to Him in sincerity and with a mind to turn from things that are displeasing to Him.

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Isaiah 1:18 (KJV)

Though Israel had departed from God, He yet declares His intent to fellowship with them and forgive them. He told them that though they were guilty, they could come to Him and have a dialogue. They could tell Him why they disobeyed and what their problem was. In doing so, He declared His intent to forgive.

From this, we discover that God understands us and the things we struggle with. However, many turn from Him, rather than run to Him in their time of sin and failure. On this day, know that God understands. Come to Him. Confess your faults. He is faithful. He understands, and He will forgive.

Prayer of the Week:

 “I know that I can trust you God, your thoughts for me are good. Therefore, I come to you today with all of my fears, concerns, and hang-ups; knowing you will answer me in due time. Amen.”