Complacency is a problem for man today.
Because of circumstances and situations, many Christians become stagnant and
complacent in their walks with Christ. There is a loss of zeal for Christ and
His work. It is time for Christians everywhere to arise and move forward again.
they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up
with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk,
and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)
The prophet Isaiah revealed that those who serve (or wait) on the Lord would have their strength renewed. Those who are feeling worn and tired must receive the peace and strength that comes from God and make a conscious decision to go on with the Lord. It does not have to be fast or quick, but it has to be definite. Decide on this day.
You can be
as an eagle and soar to heights unknown in Christ and above the
situations that are before you. Or, you can run the Christian race with
patience, enduring all things in joyful expectation of God’s deliverance. If
your pace is slower, simply walk with the Lord in simple faith knowing
He will never leave you nor forsake you. It is time to get up, move on, and go
on. The choice is yours. You Decide.
Prayer of the Day:
“I thank you that you abide with
those who are humble. On this day, I humble myself before you, acknowledging
your awesome power to help me to walk, run, or soar in you. I thank you for it.