Let God Be True

 What is truth? Men have sought for the answer to this question throughout the ages. Christians, however, know the answer to this question. Truth is revealed in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Though many do not believe on Him, it does not negate the truth of His existence and who He is.

God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged. Romans 3:4 (KJV)

Paul faced the same challenges that Christians face today. Adherents to the Christian faith have differing doctrines concerning Christ and the work of God, while the world through its own reasoning and theorizing refutes the existence of God (which includes belief in His Son, Jesus Christ). Paul did not respond to all of the arguments, nor did he try to explain everything.

He challenged those at Rome to understand that those who are in unbelief do it through continual inner suppression of the truth. In addition, Paul affirmed that because someone does not believe and have the proper understanding, it does not negate the truth of God. On today, you have to be willing to stand of the word of God and truth as it is revealed in Jesus. Do not let foolish talk and unanswerable questions move you from faith in God and Jesus Christ. Remember, Let God be True!

Prayer of the Week:

“Lord, help me to get over what arguments against your existence. Help me to get past the debates to stand on your truth. Amen.”

Spiritual Genocide

In various parts of the world, we hear reports of genocide, where entire populations are exterminated in hopes of extinguishing a lineage, family, or race. Since its earliest days, Christianity has been the victim of spiritual genocide. Men and women bound by unbelief have tried to pervert the truth of Christ, and persecute adherents to the faith, which oftentimes has led to death.

As Christians, we have to understand that there are things that come upon us daily to try to kill our personal faith, hope, and trust in God. If we do not remain focused, we will become victims of personal spiritual genocides, where no remembrance of Christ will be in us.

Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem. Matt 2:16 (KJV)

When Herod heard of Christ’s birth, he sent men out to kill children everywhere in hopes of eliminating Jesus. This scenario is happening today in the lives of Christians. In an attempt to move us away from the faith, the adversary, life, and obstacles will bring trouble into every area of life.

This is an attempt to exterminate the faith and the knowledge of God that resides in the Christian. However, there is hope. Just as Christ was saved, know that God will be with you. You have to remain faithful and focused; else, you will be the victim of spiritual genocide.

Prayer of the Week:

“Lord, I need your help not to allow the cares of this life to destroy my faith. I thank you that you will be with me always. Amen”