Persuasion that Counts

What do you believe? What is the basis for your existence? Man has always looked for the “meaning of life.” Christians know, however, that the meaning of life is found in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. He came to restore men unto God. Many doubt the validity of the Bible and its message of salvation through ignorance and unbelief. Yet, Christians have to remain persuaded of the truth. This persuasion of the truth has to go beyond an initial faith in Christ, but a continual trust in His presence and ability to act for us after coming to Him.

And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. Romans 4:21 (KJV)

It is interesting to note that many Christians are not persuaded when it comes to God’s ability and willingness to move on their behalf. We learn from the story of Abraham that though he and his wife were old, he still was of the persuasion that whatever God promised, He was able to perform.

Do you have the persuasion that counts? You must be of the persuasion that God is faithful even when we are faithless. You must be of the persuasion that God will hear and answer your prayers. You must be of the persuasion that He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not allow past experiences to cause you to lose your faith in God. Rise up on this day and take hold of the “Persuasion that Counts.”

Prayer of the Week:

 Lord, give me grace, peace, and strength to have the persuasion of Abraham. I will trust in your ability to increase my faith. Amen.”

Thank God for Forgiveness

    The message of salvation is wonderful. In a world filled with troubles and problems, one can always find comfort in the knowledge of God. Part of that knowledge is knowing that one’s sins are forgiven. Guilt is a destructive force and has crippled many people. Even after time has passed and others have forgotten, we can still feel guilty over sins and mistakes. This guilt sometimes is enhanced when one comes to know God through Jesus Christ.

Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Romans 4:7 (KJV)

    We can rejoice on today knowing that God delights in mercy and forgiveness. The only thing He requires is that we are open and honest with Him about our weaknesses. Some feel that God gets tired of them and does not want to have mercy on them. This is simply not true.

    Both Testaments reveal the longsuffering and mercy of God, even upon people who did not deserve it. How much the more will have mercy and bestow grace upon those who come to Him in sincerity? Do not trust only the forgiveness you received when you received Christ but trust the forgiveness that is available even after coming to Him.      

                                                      Prayer of the Week:
“I thank you for your willingness to forgive me. I give you thanks for it on today. Amen.”