Leave the Doubt

        When entering certain venues, there are certain items that cannot enter with you. For instance, at art showings and music events, the usual prohibition is that you leave recording, mechanical, and photographic devices outside of the function. If one violates this and is caught, there are consequences. The same holds true as the Christian enters prayer. Paul stated it this way,

I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. I Timothy 2:8

He encouraged his audience to leave not only wrath, but also doubt as they entered into prayer. If we are not careful, we will enter into God’s presence with the wrong items, which could result in negative consequences, such as frustration, depression, and unanswered requests.

We must know that we can approach God in any condition we may be in, yet faith has to be the governing factor. On today, believe in your God who is faithful and leave the doubt as you enter His presence through prayer.

Prayer of the Week:

“I trust you on this day Lord that you will intervene on my behalf. I stand in faith on your love and grace. Thank you for all things. Amen.”

It’s Already Alright

Man, if it is not one thing, it’s another! But thanks be to God who will always cause us to triumph. Though life brings problems and some things seem to last a long time, you have to trust that everything will be alright. Even now, many are facing difficult times and circumstances. Some are caught in the valley of indecision. Others are drowning in sorrow and despair. However, just know that it is already alright.

Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. 2 Cor 2:14 (KJV)

God is able to do all things. Just because He allows us to enter into numerous adversities, it does not mean He intends for us to stay there.

        Many  are  the  afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out            of them all. Psalms 34:19 (KJV)

Remember on today that many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God will surely deliver from them ALL. Just trust, it’s already alright.

Prayer of the Week:

 “I know that I can trust you God but help me to overcome fear in my present circumstances. I thank you that you will never leave me or fail me. Amen.”