No Weapon Shall Prosper

        Well, let’s see. Warfare is common to natural life and this holds true for our spiritual life in Christ. The Christian has to engage in battle after battle to remain strong in the faith of Jesus Christ. We quote the verse from Isaiah 54:17, which states that no weapon formed against you shall prosper.

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord. Isaiah 54:17 (KJV)

However, many are facing circumstances and situations that seem to be prospering in their lives. Today, I want to encourage Christians everywhere to continue to stand on this exhortation of scripture. Nothing that you are facing will prosper; that is, accomplish what it set out to do.

The enemy seeks to bring us from the presence of Christ. If what you are going through has not caused you to leave the faith… it did not prosper. Do not get caught up in the battle that you lose sight of the victory that will come. Remember in Isaiah 55, the prophet states that God’s word will prosper. If you remember to focus on the word will prosper rather than on the weapon (that is designed to fail), you will find your victories more frequent and battles short lived. Be blessed knowing that no weapon shall prosper.

Prayer of the Day:

“Lord, help me to trust that victory will ultimately be mine. I thank you that this is my heritage. Amen.”

Out of the Palace, Not Promise


    David was in a bad situation. His own son, Absalom had orchestrated a revolt and planned to take over the kingdom. Thus, David found himself out of palace because of this.

And David said unto all his servants that were with him at Jerusalem, Arise, and let us flee; for we shall not else escape from Absalom. 2 Sam 15:14 (KJV)

Are you in a situation today where you have been moved from your “palace?” Palace: your place of peace, rest, and purpose. David was out of his place because of past doings.

Have things of your past forced you out of your palace? Well there is hope. We know that David was restored to his palace because God’s promise to him still stood regardless. Moreover, his son was hung by his own head.

Just know that whatever (past, guilt, shame, lies of the enemy, hurts) has forced you out of your “palace” will hang itself. Understand that the promises of God are upon you. If David was restored, so shall you also. Remember, you may be out of the palace, but never out of promise.

Prayer of the Week:

“Lord, I simply say thank you for your faithfulness. Because you are faithful to me, I will endeavor to be faithful to you. Amen.”