Thy Will Be Done: Following the Example of Jesus

Image by Deb Radeka from Pixabay

As Christians, we are members of the kingdom of God. We must live to please Him. There are times when we face some difficult situations. However, if it is the will of the Lord for us to endure some hard trials, we have to submit to Him. Daily, we should make an affirmation of our willingness to submit to God in difficult situations.

Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. Luke 22:42 (KJV)

When Jesus prayed before the crucifixion, He surrendered to the will of God. We have to follow His example. If He endured the cross, we have to endure our trials and tests.

We  have  to  be  willing,  today, to say “Not my will, but yours be done.” In doing so, God will add all other things to us according to His will.

Prayer of the Week:

 “I know that I can trust you God but help me to follow Christ’s example of submission to your will. I thank for grace and peace to do it. Amen.”

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