I Am Yours: We Belong to Christ

    Because of Jesus Christ, we have a relationship with the Father. He claims us as His children. We belong to Him and nothing can change this. As long as we live in Him, He will keep His hands upon us. The Song of Solomon reveals the depths of Christ’s love for the Church.

My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies. (Song of Solomon 2:16)

The damsel in this scripture declares how she and her beloved belong to one another. This is how we should view our relationship with Christ. We have Him and He certainly has us. Because of this, we should be willing to submit ourselves to Him daily; only doing those things, which please Him.

Because we belong to Him, our faith and hope in unfavorable situations should remain. Let us now declare our love and devotion to Him by saying, “I Am Yours!”

Prayer of the Week:

 I ask for a renewal on today. I remember how you have blessed me. I will recall to mind your word. Help me to stay on the right path. Amen.”

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