Lose the ‘Tude

    Driving down the road, these words entered into my heart. “LOSE THE ‘TUDE.” When I heard them, I said I do not have an attitude about anything or anybody. However, the thought came back saying attitude goes beyond a negative disposition. It involves your outlook and perspective. It was then that I understood why these words came to me.

    Have you ever just felt like things will not change for you? You serve God, but it seems that others are being blessed, promoted, and healed, etc. You remain faithful but sometimes doubt if the Lord will make changes in your life.

    Sometimes you feel like the only song you can sing is “It is Well,” resolving to accept whatever comes and not expect more because of past disappointments.

Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. Heb 10:35 (KJV)

    Many Christians have lost their expectation in the Lord because of the many trials and tests that we have to endure. But, it is time for saints everywhere to lose the ‘tude and renew their expectations. Though the trials have been hard, the blessings will be greater. It is time to release disappointment, bitterness, and anger and stand in full hope of God’s promises. Remember LOSE THE ‘TUDE because what God has for you is for you.

Prayer of the Week:

“Lord, grant me the grace to overcome past disappointments. Renew my hope and trust in you. Amen.”

Don’t Be Afraid


Fear is a powerful emotion that oftentimes cripples men. Some have called fear: False Evidence Appearing Real. However, what happens when my fear is based upon fact and not upon the fantasy of my mind. What am I do when I have lost my job? What am I to do when I have received the diagnosis? What am I to do when I am in the middle of my trial, test, and tribulation? Is it ok for me to fear then? The answer is still, NO.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind . 2 Tim 1:7 (KJV)


Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. John 14:1 (KJV)

God is able to deliver us from any circumstance and situation. Even when it seems as if fear should be the response, remember Jesus’ words to Jairus. His daughter died before Christ could reach her (Mark 5:36). Nevertheless, Jesus told him, “Don’t Be Afraid, Only Believe.”

This word is to you now. Whether you are in the situation or fearing what may happen, only believe in Him for He will show you His glory.

Prayer of the Week:

 I ask for peace on today. I remember how you have blessed me. I will recall to mind your word. Amen.”