Love Him More


After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to the disciples and ate with them. He asked Peter: “Do you love me?” The “these” can represent anything in this life. 

So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? John 21:15 (KJV)

We have to love Jesus more than anyone else or anything else, including our service to Him. We also have to love Him more than what we used to do (sins, vices, mindsets, attitudes, etc). If we do not love Him more, we will return to it. Some people focus so much on trying to overcome that they forget that their focus is to be upon Him. In doing so, when we behold Him, we become more like Him.

Conversely, if we are consistently focusing on sins, we will fail. Though temptations come, your desire or love for Him must supersede your desire for the old sin or habit. It is the only way to resist and overcome. 

Again, what is the object of your affection? Do you love Him above any “these?” This is to be our goal. Love Him More! If we love, we will never fail because it is written that love never fails.

Prayer of the Week:

“I remember all that Christ did for me on today. I thank you he bore my transgressions and sins. On this day, I ask that you help me to continue to live free from sin. Amen”

Come Forth

         Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. It is true! He did it. Though He allowed Lazarus to suffer in sickness and face death, He demonstrated His love by giving him a resurrection.

And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. John 11:43 (KJV) 

So, what does this have to do with anything? In the same manner that Christ delivered Lazarus from the pangs of death, so will He deliver you from the pangs of hopelessness, despair, depression, and any other ailments (physical and spiritual) that may cause you to be like the ‘walking’ dead. From the story of Lazarus’ resurrection, we discover this truth.

No matter how bad it has been, Jesus can and will give you a resurrection. Stand in faith again. Trust His love again. Trust his faithfulness again. Receive all that He has for you. If individuals who have no relationship with God received miracles, how much the more those who have put their faith in Christ? ‘Lazarus,’ come forth!

Prayer of the Week:

“Lord, I thank you that your thoughts for me are for good. Give me the strength to do what is necessary to receive all that you have for me. Thank you now for all things. Amen.”