And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? Gen 18:23, 25b (KJV)
After hearing of God’s plans, Abraham asks God, in essence, are you right in doing this? He knew that Lot and his family were in those cities. However, we know that God was just in His decision by further reading of this story. Now, let us look at ourselves. God does allow things in our lives to happen that seem unfair.
We can look at the numerous ills of the world and think how these things could be if He is good and just. On today, trust that God cannot operate in unrighteousness.
Trust that His ways are just. He will do what is best for us even if it does not always feel good to us. You may not understand all things, but trust in the goodness of the One that has offered such a great salvation in Christ.
Prayer of the Week:
Lord, give me grace, peace, and strength to accept the unfavorable events of this life. I will trust in your character. Amen.”
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