Can I? Yes, You Can!


Life is filled with impossible circumstances. The reality of situations can sometimes weaken one’s faith and resolve in Christ. However, the Christian should know that regardless of the situation, he is able to overcome and live according to the principles of the faith.

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Phil 4:13 (KJV)

Paul recognized that his ability to survive the hardships of life rested in Christ’s strength. He discovered that he could navigate success and failure through the ability of Christ. Though circumstances and situations change frequently, we are able to handle them and maintain our walk with Christ.

Even presently, some may still be wondering if they will be able to continue. You will be able to through Christ who certainly will give strength. So, ask yourself, “Can I make it through this? Can I do what Christ would have me to do? Can I survive? Can I…?” Yes, You Can!

Prayer of the Week:

“I thank you for your promises. I trust that you will give me strength I need to endure the challenges of life. Amen”

Come Up

Though exceptions exist, most people do not want to fail in their endeavors. Most students in the classroom want to excel and advance. Even if they are not the smartest, they do not want to be left behind by failing a grade. Progression and growth are a part of life. The same hold true for the Christian experience. Everyone that has received Christ should expect and endeavor to grow as they walk with Him.

After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. Rev 4:1 (KJV)

John was in the Spirit and a voice from heaven told him to come up here.  Within its context, we understand that John was going to be taken up into the heavens to receive visions of God. Yet, the implication is clear, if we want to progress and go further in Christ, we must also come up.

We must come up in our reading, fasting, prayer, and fellowship so (like John) we can see and know more things, which pertain to the Christian faith and life. A challenge is given today that all Christians will “come up” to show the work of Christ’s salvation in their lives.

Prayer of the Week:

“Lord, help me to desire progress in my Christian walk. I know that you desire for us to mature and grow. I thank you for grace to move forward in you. Amen.”