Faithful and True Witness


God gave no other name under heaven whereby men can be saved. It is through the name of Jesus, the son of God, which man can enter into fellowship with God, having peace and eternal assurance of salvation. To add to His graciousness, there are other names by which Jesus is known. These help us to understand Him more.

And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness. Rev 3:14 (KJV)

Jesus calls Himself the faithful and true witness. He gave men an accurate testimony to the eternal power and nature of the Father. In addition, He is faithful and unchanging. What a hope we have in Him! Though men will deceive and leave you, Christ will always be there and remain the same.

Do not let the father of lies convince you that the One who cannot lie has deceived you in any manner. Christ will be with you, and in the end, you will see His goodness.

Prayer of the Week:

“Lord, help me to continue to trust in you and your existence. Though many things I cannot explain or understand, I have faith in you. Amen.”

Good for Me

Growing up, my mother would feed us things that we simply did not like. For me personally, I hated squash and brussell sprouts. When I saw them on my plate, I knew it was going to be a long meal. But as I got older, I understood that though the taste was not good to me, the nutrients I gained were certainly good for me. This truth helped me to understand the benefit of certain negative events in my Christian walk.

It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might               learn thy statutes. Psalms 119:71 (KJV)

David realized the benefits of God allowing him to be afflicted. He discovered that through his afflictions, he gained a greater understanding of God’s statutes. If we adopt this mindset, we too can benefit even in negative situations.

Our trials and tests do not feel good to us, but they place us in a position to behold Christ in His power and glory as He guides us and delivers us. So, on today, recognize that though negative circumstances are not good TO you, but they can be definitely good FOR you.

                                                      Prayer of the Week:

“Lord, I thank you for your wisdom. Though there are things I do not like or understand, I trust that you will do what is best for me. I give you thanks. Amen”

Not Without a Fight

Growing up, I did not like to fight. It was not that I could not fight, if you will. However, I just did not like to get into unnecessary confrontations. Yet, times did come where I felt I had no other choice but to fight. Usually in these situations, I had taken all I could take from an individual and just wanted to get them away from me. So, I would fight. What does this have to do with anything?

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Matt 11:12 (KJV)

In our Christian walk and experience, it seems we forget that we are in warfare.  We end up taking and putting up with things, spiritually, that we do not need to. Until we have had enough of being stressed, tired, frustrated, upset, and spiritually exhausted, things will keep coming until we take a stand.

We  have  to  come  to  a  place  where we trust God and His presence and rise to face both internal and external oppositions. You have to adopt the mindset that I am not going down in my walk with Christ… not with a fight!

Prayer of the Week:

“God, give me strength to stand against obstacles in this life. I thank you for grace to be successful in spiritual warfare. Amen.”

Can I? Yes, You Can!


Life is filled with impossible circumstances. The reality of situations can sometimes weaken one’s faith and resolve in Christ. However, the Christian should know that regardless of the situation, he is able to overcome and live according to the principles of the faith.

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Phil 4:13 (KJV)

Paul recognized that his ability to survive the hardships of life rested in Christ’s strength. He discovered that he could navigate success and failure through the ability of Christ. Though circumstances and situations change frequently, we are able to handle them and maintain our walk with Christ.

Even presently, some may still be wondering if they will be able to continue. You will be able to through Christ who certainly will give strength. So, ask yourself, “Can I make it through this? Can I do what Christ would have me to do? Can I survive? Can I…?” Yes, You Can!

Prayer of the Week:

“I thank you for your promises. I trust that you will give me strength I need to endure the challenges of life. Amen”